External Natural Stone Cleaning & Maintenance

Do I need to clean my pavers prior to installation?

In some instances, stones may display residue from the finishing processes prior to being packed at source. We recommend brushing any residue off with a dry brush or damp sponge. It is advisable to avoid saturating the tile as this will increase the drying time.

For further information, read our Natural Stone Installation Cleaning guide below.

Installation Cleaning Guide - Natural Stone
Should I clean my pavers during the installation process?

Yes, we recommend cleaning the tiles post-adhesive and again post grout.

The post-adhesive clean should take place prior to the tiles initial coat of sealant. The sealing process will lock in any surface dust or residue so it is important to ensure the tiles are as clean as possible. This can be achieved by passing over the surface with a damp sponge.

The post-grout clean should take place prior to the second coat of sealant. Begin by testing the product on two tiles using the below method.

Apply the Lithofin Power-Clean diluted at a ratio of 1:30 (try 1:10 for stubborn residue) to remove any ingrained residue.

Use a white emulsifying pad to apply the product and leave on for 8-10 minutes, scrubbing with a white emulsifying pad or a stiff brush every minute.

Lightly rinse the surface to remove any residue and towel dry.

In order to achieve the best results, it is recommended to work in small, controlled sections.

In order to reduce drying times, we recommend wringing out the sponge as much as possible to avoid saturating the tile

For further information, read our Natural Stone Installation Cleaning guide below.

Installation Cleaning Guide - Natural Stone
How should I clean my natural stone paving?

As per internal, we recommend a mix of dry and wet methods to keep your natural stone paving looking its best.

Regular sweeping is great to remove fallen leaves, berries and dirt - always sweep in dry conditions to obtain the best results.

Wet methods of cleaning can involve a hosepipe alongside a stiff sweeping brush.

We recommend using the Lithofin Power Clean - diluted at a ratio of 1:10 to remove external dirt and staining.

For further information, please read our Regular Cleaning guide for external natural stone tiles below.

Regular Cleaning Guide - External Natural Stone
Can I use a Pressure Washer on my natural stone paving?

We recommend using a Pressure Washer with caution. Spray from at least half a metre away to clear light debris/stains.

Paving can be cleaned with Lithofin Power Clean and a stiff brush in order to protect the top layer of the stone.

Do I need to seal my natural stone paving?

External sealing for natural stone pavers is personal preference. We do recommend sealing natural stone pavers to keep them looking their best, however if you are happy for the pavers to weather in faster it isn't mandatory to seal.

How do I remove stubborn algae?

For the build-up of algae, we recommend using the Lithofin Algex, designed to remove and protect against green, slippery deposits.

Apply Lithofin ALGEX diluted with water approx. 1:10 (or when used as a preventive treatment 1:20) and distribute on the surface using a watering-can or a pump sprayer.

After application, the areas should not be rained on for at least 4 hours. The surfaces will become bright, clean and free of deposits within five days.

For further information, read our Algae Stain Removal guide for natural stone below.

Algae Stain Removal Guide - External Natural Stone
How do I remove stubborn leaf/berry stains?

For stubborn dirt or stains (such as leaf tannins, berries and spore algae), we recommend using the Lithofin Outdoor Cleaner, designed to remove stubborn dark deposits.

Begin by testing the product on two affected tiles using the below method.

Use a garden sprayer to apply Lithofin Outdoor Cleaner generously to the paving in undiluted form. The paving must be completely dry.

Allow the product to work for 2 to 10 hours depending on the stubbornness of the dirt deposits.

Brush the surface with a stiff brush and rinse with clear water. In very stubborn cases, repeat this procedure. Do not rinse Lithofin Outdoor Cleaner onto lawned or planted areas.

For further information, read our Leaf/Berry Stain Removal guide for natural stone below.

Leaf/Berry Stain Removal Guide - External Natural Stone
My pavers look smeary/patchy - how do I clean them?

On occasion, it is possible for natural stone tiles to appear smeary in certain lights, you may even notice footprints on the surface. The smears or streaks present can occur from the following:
1. Over application of sealant
2. Under application of sealant
3. Trapped dirt
4. Grout residue

As a first point of call, it is advisable to test two affected tiles with Lithofin Power-Clean, using the method described in our Occasional Deep Cleaning guide.

Should there be no change, it is often worth testing a tile for the over application of sealant (method below).If unsuccessful, we recommend speaking with the Lithofin team to assess the correct remedial method for your floor. In some cases, the sealant will need to be removed, tiles cleaned and sealant re-applied.

Over application of sealant
The over application of sealant is due to the excess sealant not being buffed off the tile at the time of application. If Lithofin Stain Stop MN was used, it may be possible to ‘re-activate’ the sealant, in order to then buff away the excess. Please note this is not possible with Stain Stop Eco or Stain Stop W as they are non-solvent based.

Begin by testing one tile in a discreet area - generously apply Lithofin Stain Stop MN to the surface of the tile for 8-10 minutes, scrub and continuously move the product around the tile every minute with a stiff brush.

Remove all excess using a white towel and buff the surface of the stone completely dry.

After a further 10-15 minutes assess the look and feel of the tile, the tile should feel smoother compared to an untreated tile which can have a sticky texture.

Should the test be conducive to resolving the issue, continue to treat the floor in small controlled sections (1-2m2 at any one time).

For further information, read our cleaning smeary/patchy tiles guide below.

Cleaning Smeary/Patchy Tiles - Natural Stone
How should I clean an oil based spill?

In the first instance, the spillage should be flushed with water immediately - on occasion this can be enough to prevent etching the stone. Wipe the tile clean with a white towel and assess the mark (if any). If aesthetically noticeable, we recommend using Lithofin Power-Clean. Read our Occasional Deep Cleaning Guide for more information.

For stubborn oil spots, we recommend using Lithofin OIL-EX.

Read our cleaning oil spills guide below.

Cleaning Oil Spills - Natural Stone
How should I clean an acidic based spill?

In the first instance, the spillage should be flushed with water immediately - on occasion this can be enough to prevent etching the stone. Wipe the tile clean with a white towel and assess the mark (if any). If aesthetically noticeable, we recommend using Lithofin Power-Clean.

For further information, read our cleaning acidic spills guide below.

Cleaning Acidic Spills - Natural Stone